Sunday, March 23, 2014

Monday homework

Your homework for Monday is a modified hero wod:

Strict Daniel:
25 strict pull-ups
Run 300
21 strict shoulder press (85/45)
ROW 800
21 shoulder press
Run 300
25 strict pull-ups

Scale the pull-ups with bands, NOT kipping! Try to find a scale that allows you to do around 10 pull-ups in the first round. Scale the shoulder press so you can accomplish the 21 in 2 sets max, for the first round.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Monday Homework

First, apologies for not updating the blog more often - things have been so scatter shot for all our members with the Open workouts to plan around that there have been few general posts to make!

Time for some snatching! First, Make sure you get the class workout done! As a reminder, the regular NorCal class programming will always form the base of the comp club workouts. Everything else, the individual homework of squat programs, gymnastic programs, mobility, etc. is meant to fill in the gaps for each of you. But at the end of the day, you should all be good, general, crossfitters! And that's what the class programming achieves, so please make sure you're doing it!
For tomorrow, please handle your individual homework plus the following NCLab workout from a week ago:
30 Snatches 135/95
30 Snatches 165/110
10 Snatches 210/140
Obviously scale accordingly, but make sure you add weight throughout.