Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sept 30 to Oct 5

Try to make sure you get the homework done on the days listed! I try to make the homework work in concert with the class workouts and by skipping the homework or doing them on different days I fear many are overtraining on some days! Also, if I've given you extra work to do make sure you work on it!
This is a repeat of a workout many of you found very challenging, from June.

Ring swinging support holds (see
4x30sec, rest 1+ minutes between rounds
This is a classic gymnastic based shoulder and core stability exercise that sounds pretty easy but is very challenging. Make sure you watch the video, and note the external rotation the gymnast holds, as well as the tight core position, and that you take enough time off between sets so each effort is a strong one.
Alternate between
GHD Situps 20-20-20
KB TGU 4-4-4 (as heavy as possible)
* Rest as needed between sets
As a group we will be doing several body weight Tabata's, back to back (think pullups, pushups, etc)
THIS IS THE MANDATORY WEEKLY CLASS! Follow it up with calf stretches and rolling out the calf and Achilles using a barbell (I'll demo these Wednesday night).
This is tbd for both the workout and location!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Upcoming homework!

You may have noticed that we have started to incorporate some of the workouts that are on the NCLab website! As we progress, these will start to be more and more common in your homework. Hopefully, those NorCal Crossfit members that wish to do more of the Jason, Pat, etc. type of volume and intensity (ie start following some of the NCLab programming) will find the Competition Club a good place to get it!
Here is your homework for the upcoming week (I may change this as the week progresses and details of the Lab workouts become available):
10 min EMOM 10 GHD sit ups
rest 3 minutes
10 min EMOM 10 GHD hip extensions
On your sit ups, don't go beyond parallel on the way back, and on your hip extensions, don't go too far down (that you lose lumbar tightness) or too high (that you hyper-extend)
5 minute handstand hold with as many shoulder touches as possible. You can perform these either facing toward or away from the wall. In a handstand, pick one hand up and attempt to touch that hand's shoulder. Alternate hands. If you need to come down, try to go back up as soon as possible.
This class is the mandatory one for the week
10 rounds:
10 overhead squats (75/45)
10 pushups
10 situps
The overhead squats will be from the ground, not the rack.

spend 10 minutes on the foam or PVC roller concentrating on your legs, and another 20 minutes stretching out your lower body (calf, IT band, groin, hamstring). Hold each stretch for 2 continuoes minutes!
The club will meet at REDWOOD CITY this Saturday. The workout will be:
"Linda" aka "3 bars of death"
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of the following triplet
Deadlift at 1 1/2 times body weight
Bench press at body weight
Clean at 3/4 body weight
This is an extraordinarily difficult old school CrossFit workout! it will be even more so following Saturdays WOD. Please make sure you have recovered from the class workout, and that you scale this properly!


Sunday, September 15, 2013

Week's homework

Hello everyone! I hope you had a great weekend! Here is your upcoming homework. As usual, if I have given you individual homework, mobility or strength work for example, that is in addition to the following:
10 minute AMRAP rope climbs
use any method you want
10 min of 30 sec Airdyne, 30 sec plank hold
keep your transition time quick!
10 min EMOM 8 HSPU and 8 pistols
pistols are 8 total - scale as needed!
15 minutes partner sled push
Thursday and Friday
Hip and ankle mobility
make sure your do some calf stretches, both straight legged and bent knee variety
This will be a partner wod, decided by me depending on how everyone feels after the week of work!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sept 9 -16 Homework and workouts

Happy Weekend everyone! Here is your homework for the upcoming week.
6 rounds
25 situps
10 OHS (115/75)
Scale the overhead squats so you can do the first couple of rounds unbroken
8 min AMRAP
8 elevated feet ring rows (try to have your feet at least ring level)
8 elevated feet ring pushups (again, feet at least ring level)
we'll spend 20 minutes working the 3 position snatch (ground, knees, high hang)
3 rounds max strict pullups
3 rounds max kipping pullups
take as much time off in between sets. If your use a band, try to use a small enough one that you max out at less than 10 strict pullups each round.
Thursday and Friday
Spend time mobilizing! Especially your shoulders as they will have been worked alot this week!
WE WILL MEET IN REDWOOD CITY after the 9am class.
The workout will be the 2010 Sectional workout from the Central Canada region:
5 rounds
5 power cleans (155/105)
10 burpees
200m run
(there'll be a 15 minute time cap on this)

Monday, September 2, 2013


As promised here's the weeks homework!
MANDATORY WORKOUT DAY! This is a good classic CrossFit type day, and would benefit almost everyone in the club!
Also, do the following workout:
From the upcoming Battle of the Sexes comp this weekend, do WOD 2 "Pistols":
7 minute AMRAP of:
3 Pull up toes to bar*
6 Pistols
30 Double Unders
*Pull up toes to bar: 1 pull and 1 toes to bar = 1 rep.

do the following workout from a comp that Kevin is doing soon:
18 Ground to overhead (135/95)
30 toes to bar
15 Ground to overhead
20 burpees
12 Ground to overhead
10 bar muscle ups
9 Ground to overhead
20 burpees
6 Ground to overhead
30 toes to bar
3 Ground to overhead
Yes, I know its two days in a row with toes to bar but Tuesday's is short! Pick a challenging weight! Even the top dogs will get pretty tired at 135 with that many reps. I'd scale to one you can do 10 or so unbroken when pretty fresh...just don't go too heavy! You shouldn't end up doing these as singles. For the Bar MuscleUps, either do the jumping version we did a few Saturdays ago, or do one chest to bar and one ring dip per muscle up.
Core work!
4 rounds
15 GHD situps
30 second superman hold
Several will be taking this as a rest day because of the comps; for everyone else, let's do a team wod that I'll come up with based on the day's gym workout.