Here's your comp club homework for the next few days:
MondaySunday, August 25, 2013
Upcoming homework!
Monday, August 19, 2013
Aug 19 - Aug 21
I hope everyone had a good weekend! It was great going to the
Lalanne Throwdown to watch Sam, Michael, and Yvonne compete! They did great!!
Monday's homework is a tough little wod! Please complete the
following (please allow some time to recuperate after your class wod
before attempting this one!):
20 pullups
then 5 rounds of row 500 meters, 10 thrusters at 105/75
finish with 20 pullupsAs a reward for Monday's homework, Tuesday will be mobility day! Spend half an hour on your shoulder and back mobility, stretching both internal and external rotation of the shoulder joint, and use a lacrosse ball on the upper back area. Also spend some of that time stretching out the wrists. This is in preparation for Wednesday's workout....I'll keep it a surprise, but we'll work your clean technique and then prepare to go heavy, with a small wod to finish off!

Sunday, August 11, 2013
Aug 12 to 18
Comp Club members! This week we'll continue the volume of last week -
everyone seemed to like that (but if it all gets to be too much, please
let me know!). Next week is the LaLanne throwdown, please let me know if
you're competing.
Again, if you have individual homework, please continue that this week.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Homework and classwork for Aug 5th -Aug 11th
This week, if I have not given you specific, individual homework, you need to do the following workout on either Monday or Tuesday:
Row, 1 min for max calories followed by 1 minute easy row, 10 rounds (20 minutes total)
In the first minute, row at 20 strokes per minute (s/m)
In the second working minute, at 22 s/m
In the third, 24 s/m
This week's mandatory class is Tuesday.
Monday 5th August
15 minute handstand walk practice
2 sets of 8 wrist pushups (band assisted) (see
Tuesday 6th August
10 x 10 overhead squats
Build weight throughout
Wednesday 7th August
10 thrusters (115/80)
max strict pullups
10 thrusters (115/80)
max kipping pullups
10 thrusters (115/80)
Thursday 8th August
10 rope climbs, at your own pace
10 minutes wrist flexibility
Saturday 10th August
Spend 15 minutes finding heavy squat clean
rest, then:
8 minute EMOM
3 bar muscle ups (scale to jumping bar mu's)
5 burpees
2 heavy squat clean
followed immediately by:
2 minute max chest-to-bar pullups
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