Sunday, August 11, 2013

Aug 12 to 18

Hello Comp Club members! This week we'll continue the volume of last week - everyone seemed to like that (but if it all gets to be too much, please let me know!). Next week is the LaLanne throwdown, please let me know if you're competing.
Again, if you have individual homework, please continue that this week.

Max snatch balance.
Please do all three variations!
First is a PRESSING SNATCH BALANCE, where your feet are always in your landing (squat position, and there is no dip and drive - just a press down under the bar.
Second is the HEAVING SNATCH BALANCE, where you can dip and drive the weight up, but your feet again don't move from the receiving position.
Third is the SNATCH BALANCE. This is the standard one, where you dip and drive, and your feet will shift from under your hips to the wider, squat stance.
do the following workout, from the 2010 Canadian regional workouts (#4):
50 double unders
10 burpees
40 double unders
10 burpees
30 double unders
10 burpees
20 double unders
10 burpees
10 double unders
10 burpees
If you do not have double unders, count attempts. Please don't do a 2-1 or 3-1 single for double substitution; you won't get the same aerobic response from attempts, but you will get better at double unders, and that's the goal!
Please also make sure you perform your burpees to standard - when you stand and jump, make sure your feet leave the ground (not really a jump otherwise, is it?!), and make sure you stand up all the way.
EITHER MONDAY OR TUESDAY do the following rowing workout:
On Monday you will row 500 meters as part of your class workout, and if you don't attend Monday, please row 500 on your own, and make it a hard, but not all out effort. THIS 500 is your benchmark for the following workout.  After a short break 5 or 10 minutes, ROW 2000 meters, with negative splits. That is, row the first 500 at a rate 8 seconds slower than the rate you did the 500 meter piece earlier. The second 500 of the 2000 is only 4 seconds slower, the third 500 is the same rate as the earlier 500. The last 500 is AT LEAST 4 seconds faster than the benchmark 500. Not everyone rows (or runs, or bikes, or...) with negative splits, but its good for you to feel what it's like!
We will meet at San Jose and do the following:
First, we will spend 15 to 20 minutes on muscle up practice.
1 kettlebell swing (1 1/2pd, 1 pd)
1 burpee
We will add one of each every minute until you drop out.
Thursday and Friday
Ankle and hip mobility drills on BOTH days!
Something special! ('ll involve three wods, two girls, and has been done by Rob Orlando in a YouTube video) (hint 2, Coach Alex has called it the hardest workout he's ever done)....
The schedule Saturday is TBD - it depends on how many are headed to the LaLanne comp.


  1. oh my goooosh Coach! Today's cc wod was mentally grueling

    1. Haha! Yup - this was a tough one. Hope it didn't take too long. I knew it was going to be tough - I did it with Molly B last Friday, and watched her have a tough time with it...
