to make sure you get the homework done on the days listed! I try to
make the homework work in concert with the class workouts and by skipping the homework or doing them on different days I fear many are overtraining on some days! Also, if I've given you extra work to do make sure you work on it!
This is a repeat of a workout many of you found very challenging, from June.
Ring swinging support holds (see
This is a repeat of a workout many of you found very challenging, from June.
Ring swinging support holds (see
4x30sec, rest 1+ minutes between rounds
is a classic gymnastic based shoulder and core stability exercise that
sounds pretty easy but is very challenging. Make sure you watch the
video, and note the external rotation the gymnast holds, as well as the
tight core position, and that you take enough time off between sets so
each effort is a strong one.
TUESDAYAlternate between
GHD Situps 20-20-20
KB TGU 4-4-4 (as heavy as possible)
* Rest as needed between setsWEDNESDAY
As a group we will be doing several body weight Tabata's, back to back (think pullups, pushups, etc)
THIS IS THE MANDATORY WEEKLY CLASS! Follow it up with calf stretches and rolling out the calf and Achilles using a barbell (I'll demo these Wednesday night).
This is tbd for both the workout and location!