Sunday, January 26, 2014

Jan 27 - 29 homework

Because all of our members have been busy doing their own individualized homework, I have not been updating the blog. But now that several members are starting to do some more traditional workouts (many from the NCLabs), I'll start updating here again!

The class workout is 3 x 3 front squats and 3 x 3 push press. In addition, you should do the following NCLab workout:
10 minute EMOM
30 seconds 5 power clean at 125
30 seconds 3 squat clean at 125
The goal, of course, is to go unbroken for the various sets! Get all 5 or 3 each time!

The class workout is a 20 minute AMRAP involving cleans, toes-to-bar, and wallballs...and the numbers programmed are perfect for you to try to get them UNBROKEN!
In addition to the class workout, do five sets of max effort HSPU (kipping is ok) from a deficit if possible (hands on 45 lb plates ideally, if that is too difficult, go smaller).
We'll meet in San Jose to work on muscle up work (getting our first one, or stinging them together!) and possibly do some oly lifting technique.

I'll post the rest of the week on Wednesday


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