Monday, November 25, 2013


Homework for remainder of the week:
NCLabs workout
5 heavy sets of snatch, hang snatch, high hang snatch
You'll be limited by the high hang, so warmup appropriately 

I will be out of town this Wednesday, so we won't meet as a group
NCLabs workout
20 minute EMOM
Odd minute row for calories (20/15)
Even minute HSPU
Scale the row so it takes you roughly 35 seconds, but maintain your calorie number!

5k erg row
You have all been instructed on proper rowing technique - work this 5k as form practice, more than an all out time trial!

We'll meet at San Jose (and hopefully they won't have another seminar!)

Monday, November 18, 2013

Nov 19 - Nov 24

Alternate between
GHD Situps 20-20-20
KB TGU 4-4-4 (as heavy as possible)
* Rest as needed between sets
(We did this one a couple of months ago, and I'd like to see if it goes any better this time.)

Followed by

2 sets of 8 wrist pushups (band assisted) (see
(I know these are tough, but they really are very effective in developing wrist strength!)
Let's spend some time working on the snatch (not too heavy, but working on technique), followed by a rowing workout. 

Spend 20 minutes on shoulder mobility! Roll out with a lax ball, work external and internal rotation, etc. 

We'll meet at San Jose.


Sunday, November 17, 2013

Monday Nov 18 homework

Let's continue in the strength-y type work for your Monday homework:
Tabata pullups interspersed with Tabata pushups

20 sec pullups, 10 sec rest
20 sec pushups, 10 sec rest
20 sec pullups, etc
For 8 minutes (totaling one full Tabata for each movement)
Your goal - never drop off the pullup bar! (I intentionally put in the pushups so your grip strength can recover.)
Please email me your results! I'd like to see how everyone is doing in their pullup and pushups, since it was a serious weakness for many comp club members and I have been programming both in the homework.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Week of Nov 11

Today's wod is a long, Hero one, so let's go strength-y in the homework:
5 x max pull-ups
5 x max push-ups

EMOM 5 minutes:
max L-sit on the rings
remainder of time doing double unders
followed after a 5 minute rest by:
EMOM 5 minutes
10 handstand hold shoulder touches (5 each hand)
Pull up, muscle up practice, with a short WOD involving both afterwards (pushups are in Thursday's class workout, so you shouldn't do too many on this evening)
Thursday, Friday
Leg TLC! The class workouts the last couple of days will have been tough on the legs, so spend several minutes with a foam roller on your IT bands, calves, inner leg and quads. Also use a lacrosse ball to roll out your hamstrings and glutes (this is easier if you sit on the ballusing a plyo box or hard chair)
We'll meet in San Jose at 10 am, unless you hear from me otherwise!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Homework for week of Nov 4

EMOM for 10 minutes
5 toes to bar
10 air squats
Your grip will be worked during the regular class, so the purpose of the homework is to continue that forearm work!
5 rounds
5 strict pullups
10 pushups
30 second plank hold
rest 1 minute between rounds
We'll work on the 3 position snatch (mid shin, above knees, hang).
Afterwards, we'll do a classic CrossFit Girl named workout....that may involve snatches....

Thursday and Friday
Core stretch work! I'll review these Wednesday night when we get together.
Another partner workout!