Monday, July 22, 2013


Make sure to make plans to watch Jason and Garret this weekend, either in-person down in LA, or on the Games website!
I hope the leg raises today went well (or at least that you felt their effects).
Here's your homework for the remainder of this week. I haven't listed Saturday yet, since I haven't heard from everyone on who will be around or down in LA.

not for time
3 sets of 10 meter handstand walks
3 sets of 10 nose-toward wall shoulder touches while in a nose-toward wall handstand (that is, face the wall and pick up one hand and touch that hands' shoulder, repeat with opposite hand)

For 20 minutes, every two minutes on the minute (etmom) perform 1 full snatch and 2 overhead squats
(you must increase weight each round until failure, then drop to previous weight for reminder of sets)

Spend 20 minutes on shoulder mobility. Yes, this is a lot, but most can use it! In the time, do at least 10 skin-the-cats and 10 bridges.


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