Sunday, October 13, 2013

Oct 14-20

Hello comp club members! I hope everyone had a great weekend, and is ready for the upcoming week's comp club homework.
15 minute AMRAP
1 pullup, 1 box jump (30/24)
2 pullups, 2 box jumps
3 pullups, 3 box jumps
As usual, I encourage stepping down on the box jumps if your achilles or calves feel tight or tired!
Afterwards, stretch out each leg with a 2 minute straight leg calf stretch, and a 2 minute bent knee achilles stretch.
5 minute handstand shoulder touches
You can either face the wall (the easier version) or face away from it. While holding a handstand, shift your weight from hand to hand, and attempt to touch the unweighted hand to it's shoulder. If you need to drop down (you will...5 minutes is a long time!), try to get back up as soon as possible. IF YOU ATTEND THE CLASS ON THIS DAY, DO THIS WORKOUT AFTERWARDS.
Mandatory class. The workout for the class is a partner wod; if possible do it with a fellow comp club member!
During our evening session, we will work on our snatch balance (heaving and non-heaving), then find a 1RM snatch.
Shoulder mobility time! Between the regular classes and the homework, I suspect everyone's shoulders will be pretty tired, so spend some time today rolling out the shoulders with a lax ball, foam roller, etc, and stretch them out as well.I can give everyone stretching ideas Wednesday
After the class workout, we will do the following (taken from NCLab):
5 rounds for reps of he following
1 minute airdyne (calories)
1 minute box jump (24/20)
1 minute 1 arm DB snatch (heavy)

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