Thursday, February 20, 2014

Friday workout

For tomorrow, lets do some strengthy stuff....
10 minute EMOM max pullups
rest 5 minutes
10 minute EMOM max ring dips'll get pretty ugly towards the end (just a couple at a time...)
For Saturday, we'll meet at San Jose at 9:00, please come and do the 8:00 class - afterwards we'll do a second workout (and maybe a third....hehehe (evil laugh inserted here...)).

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Ok guys...time for a little longer metcon workout! For Thursday, lets do the NCLabs workout from today (that Miranda called Dre Day), a 20 minute workout in total:
NCLab. Week 23. Wednesday.

10 Min EMOM
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20
Don’t drop your number unless you literally can’t get 10 in the min (not can’t get 10 in 45 seconds)

5 DB Deadlift 45s/30s
5 DB Hang Power Clean
5 DB Push Press
Rest 1 Min
5 DB Deadlift
5 DB Hang Power Clean
5 DB Push Press
Rest 1 Min
Rest 1 Min

Monday, February 17, 2014

Tuesday homework

Thanks to Molly and Miranda for this one:
First, 10 minute amrap
5 burpee over box jump overs
7 thrusters (95/65)
5 pull ups

after resting 5 minutes
5 minute amrap
3 squat clean and jerk (can do squat clean thruster)  135/105
6 burpee over bar

These are very open-like wods!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Monday homework

So your homework for Monday is....
10 rounds
10 toes-to-bar
12 wall ball shots
The goal is unbroken for each piece!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


We'll be meeting this Wednesday in San Jose, at our normal 5:30pm. See you there!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Tuesday Homework

Tuesday we will be doing a strength day!

Your homework will be 5 sets of 3 rep heavy stiff legged deadlifts! See the video Miranda posted of the her, Molly and Annie Thorisdottir doing these on Sunday:
As usual, if we have set up an individualized workout schedule for you than the ones I post for the group (gymnastic, etc), do that one instead of this posted one.


Sunday, February 9, 2014

Monday homework!

FIRST, HUGE CONGRATS TO JEN! She competed this weekend in the Moxie Madness comp and was amazing. Very proud! For those of you on an alternate program (for example, the gymnastic one I've set up for some of you), just continue that for this week. The following is for the club members that are doing extra WODs!
For Monday your homework will be to do the third wod from this weekends' Moxie Madness that our own Jen competed in! The workout is:
12 min amrap
10 deadlifts 205/155
20 double unders
60 yard sprint (done as 3 10 yard sprints down and back)
15 DL
30 DU
60 yard sprint
20 DL
40 DU
Add 5 reps to each round for the deadlifts, and the double unders are always double the deadlift number.
WATCH YOUR BACK. Virtually every competitor this weekend rounded their back! BE SAFE!
I'll send out the rest of the homework later this week.
Because of the runs, this wod will take a little more room in the gym than usual - make sure you have the coaches approval to do this wod if you're doing it during class time!
