Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Post #2

Hey guys, sorry there hasn't been a post in the last couple of days.  I've been super busy with coaching, training, and school starting back up.  Expect every night from here on out to be a post with some type of WOD or homework.  Here's tonight's WOD for Comp Club at 5:30 at our San Jose location.  Also, I encourage you all to post your scores to the comments.  That would really be appreciated and would also give all of you guys some feedback on how your scores compare to others.

Every 30 sec for 10 minutes perform:
2 power cleans (have to be touch and go).
*increase weight every couple of minutes.
*the only rule for this is: go as heavy as shit, however I want perfect form. No wide receiving positions. Perfect form every rep.


7 squat cleans (155/115)
7 push jerks
5 rounds.  Rest 1 min in between rounds.
*The goal here is to remain unbroken the entire time.  So complete 7 squat cleans and go right into the push jerks without dropping the bar.  Jason and I did it yesterday...DIRTY ahaha

Also quick note for you guys competing this weekend at the Sac Town Throwdown.  Take care of your hands.  What I mean is do some hand maintenance tonight.  The last thing you want before a competition is to rip and then your hands are "no bueno" for the comp.  Hand tearing to me is not cool like some CrossFitters think it is.  "Look I teared.  Must have meant I went H.A.M during the workout."  No to me it's an injury because it severely affects your training for at least a couple of days, if not a couple of weeks.  Take care of those hands.  They're important in this sport.

See you guys tonight.


  1. Just saw this. I did the normal workout replacing the 2 fronts squats by 2 HPC since I'm recovering from an injury and also kept the weight moderate. I went with 103# for all the rounds. I used 1 pood for the kb portion finishing the first 4 rounds but 4 swings shy on round 5 (so a 1k row).

  2. I admit that I didn't go "heavy as shit." But I did add 30# to the most I've lifted since being injured and am really trying to be cautious. So want to be sure this amount doesn't create any soreness. It felt great!

  3. No way in hell I was able to do 155 back to back then straight into 7 push jerks :) !@#$%$##%$! beasts!

    What I did really do:
    Every 30 sec for 10 minutes
    4 rounds 135
    5 rounds 145
    5 rounds 155
    4 rounds 165
    2 rounds 175

    5 rounds of 7 squat cleans, 7 push jerks at 135#
    Time: 21:15!!!

    I did these from home since I have Oly class 5:30 Tues. If 5:30 tues is set in stone I may just go to Oly Thursdays so I can join in the communal suffering.

    Oly was awesome today too though:
    Clean and Jerks
    60% 3x1 1 set
    65% 3x1 1 set
    70% 3x1 4 sets

    Clean pulls
    90% 3x1 3 sets

    Front squats
    70% 4x1 5 sets

    yeah, I'm reclining now...

  4. Went "heavy as shit" today!

    Got to 225 on the power cleans.

    155 was dirty! Wasn't able to do that unbroken.

    Hope to see more of you next time!

  5. Awesome Work out!!

    215# on the Power Cleans

    135# on the 7/7's

    Over all pretty sweet!

  6. I... stood in the corner and watched the end. haha, Thursday I can make it.

  7. 175# on the Power Cleans tripletts

    105# on the 7/7s

    Slowly getting strength back.
