Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Post #4

Hey guys remember to get your homework in.  Homework is always going to be small and quick, however its going to allow you to get some extra work in and work on skills that need work.  In the long run they make you a better CrossFitter. 

Workout for 1/24/13
EMOM 15 min:
1 power snatch/ 1 full snatch w/ 8 pushups.
*so you guys have one minute to complete 1 power snatche and 1 full snatch and 8 pushups.  Rounds roughly take 20 seconds.


5 rounds
5 bar muscle ups
10 box jumps (30/24)


  1. EMOM:
    #95, ended at around the 20 second mark each round. Felt decent considering this is may be the 5th time I've ever done snatches.

    5 Rounds:
    Got through 3 of 5 until my palm tore @ 6:23. I subbed the last two rounds with 10 pushups, (i know, not the same).

    I'm digging the homework and definitely feel this will help tremendously in the long-run. Please, keep it coming!

  2. EMOM:
    kept it light at 65 for sat

    5 Rounds:
    box jumps at 24" and 6 pullups at 5:00 (mike said to sub for 8 pullups if you couldn't do a bar muscle up, and down to six if we're competing, Amy did 8 though, rocksstaar)

    thanks for updating this blog!

  3. Pre-wod: worked the bar muscle-up getting a handful in with a glide kip.

    EMOM (modified to 2 power snatches): 73# for 13 rounds, 83# for 2 rounds (in 9 of the rounds cut back to 6 push-ups)

    5 Rounds: 8 CTB pull-ups (no-reps if I didn't touch), 10 box jumps at 20". (I think the time was 9:10).

  4. EMOM at 53#. I think I could have done 63#, but I was tired after just finishing comp club and I also didn't want to overdo it because of SacTown this Sat. I did 8 pushups for 5 rounds, then down to 6 for 5 rounds, then 5 for the last 5 rounds. I finished each round at about 30 sec. It was fun!

    For the next workout, I did 8 ctb for 1st and last round and 6 ctb for the rest. I didn't want to rip before the competition. 24# box w/step downs. Time was 6:53.

  5. EMOM
    Started at 125 to 135 to 155 with more then 30 sec to rest. Could of gone heavier but didn't want to overdue it for the Sac Throw down.

    5 rounds
    My time was 5:15Rx with unbroken bar muscle ups. My elbows were on fire after the WOD.

    Thanks for keeping the blog and HW up to date!

  6. EMOM 15 minutes
    10 at 135, 5 at 140

    5 rounds 30" box jumps and 8 chest to bars (I've only ever done a bar muscle up once :-/)

