Sunday, June 30, 2013

I hoped everyone had a relaxing weekend! Saturdays workout was very well done by everyone...although it did point out that rope climbs and handstands are something most can benefit from practicing more! The next few days are going to be great ones at the gym - Taz has some really cool stuff planned.
The homework for the next few days:
Ring swinging support holds (see
4x30sec, rest 1+ minutes between rounds
This is a classic gymnastic based shoulder and core stability exercise that sounds pretty easy but is very challenging. Make sure you watch the video, and note the external rotation the gymnast holds, as well as the tight core position, and that you take enough time off between sets so each effort is a strong one.

This will be your mandatory class for the week! It will be a testing day that I'll leave as a surprise for you to see on the website, but you'll also need to do the following work in addition to the daily WOD:
4 rnds:
15 GHD situps
30 sec superman hold
If you are not proficient at the GHD sit-ups, you MUST talk to a coach first - if you do these incorrectly you can hurt your lower back and your abs will be out of commission for awhile!
15 min muscle snatch work
AMRAP 15 min:
5 C+J 135/95
rest 30 sec
This is the work we'll be doing together at San Jose at 5:30.
If you have any questions please let me know!


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Great job tonight everyone! Hopefully everyone felt like they got a little better at their snatch.
Homework for Thursday:
Accumulate 5min in a bridge
* make sure your back is in the appropriate extended position, not broken
Accumulate 5min in a plank
Friday's class is the weekly mandatory class - attend one of those sessions.
Saturday's class is also mandatory (yes, I remember several of you are out of town!) and IS IN REDWOOD CITY! Afterward we will do the following workout:
10 Rope Climbs
Rest 2min
5 Power Snatch (95/65)
5 Chest to bar pullup
AMRAP 5min
Rest 2min
10 Deadlift (135/95)
10 Air Squats
AMRAP 5min
Rest 2min
Handstand walk 30m
I will change the order a little because of the lack of ropes at RWC, but everyone should be prepared to do them! (So bring shin/ankle/etc protection if you need it!). If rope climbs are still a challenge don't worry, we'll work on them!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Just a reminder that tomorrow you should attend one of the classes and do the daily wod, and we will then meet at 5:30 for our comp club workout.
Bring your oly shoes (and wrist bands, etc) - we're going to snatch! Yep, I know you snatched today in class, but I'd like to go again tomorrow for several reasons. First, you should all be a little more comfy with the movement after practicing today, and so tomorrow we can work on fine tuning the things you worked on today (you did work on something today didn't you?!?). Second, I feel that working on lifts back to back days is an excellent way to improve your lifts - and it's something that as comp club members you can do!
And finally, I'd like to work on something specific tomorrow - catching medium/heavy lifts at a medium/deep squat. Most people can catch a light snatch as either a muscle snatch or a 1/4 squat power snatch and they can also catch a very heavy snatch in a full squat. But it's very difficult to catch a medium weight somewhere in between the two. We're going to hit that weight tomorrow by doing sets of 3 reps - less than your one rep max, and something that you shouldn't have to drop into a full squat to catch. We'll talk more about it tomorrow at class - see you there!

Sunday, June 23, 2013


Hi guys! First, this week let's continue with the Wednesday session. I know that this is a crummy time for some, but I haven't been able to come up with a better alternative...
Also, next Saturday we will meet after the 9:00 class at Redwood City. I'll be teaching the 9:00 class there, and we'll hold our session immediately afterwards.

Homework time.
Double Unders
* Each set is unbroken.
* Scale to less sets to make it achievable within 5-8min
This will be an important workout to test your comfort level with du's. Virtually every competition nowadays requires proficiency at them, and if its a skill that needs work we should know!

Wall Facing Handstand Holds - Opposite Tabata 10sec on/20sec off - 8 rounds
Every 30sec for 5min
7 burpees
Wall facing handstand holds are an excellent way to practice for the ultimate goal - handstand walks! You can either cartwheel into the hold (preferred) or do a wall walk into it.

Lifting session!
I will pick a lift I feel everyone should work on (I can be bribed if you have a favorite...)
* Work on technique and up to heavy 3 rep.
10min EMOM
2 reps of the chosen lift (moderate weight)
2 strict HSPU (make harder if this is too easy by using a deficite OR scale if too needed)


Saturday, June 22, 2013

Great effort today!

A huge congrats to all of you for your work today! For many of you this was one your hardest days at the gym. First Garret gave you a long, hard warm up/workout/ab day, then the comp club wod was a chipper very much like a comp workout. Again, this was a good day to find areas to work on, whether it is movements, mental stamina to push thru a long day, or physical stamina to complete several long workouts - all things needed to be able to compete at the sport of Crossfit!
I post your homework for the next few days tomorrow. In the meantime it's time to practice another needed skill - recovery! Rest and relax and get ready for next week.
Coach Mickey

Friday, June 21, 2013

Nice job for those of you who were able to make it Wednesday! It was great meeting those I hadn't seen before, and I was able to start to get an idea of what level everyone is able to perform at.
Just a reminder that tomorrow morning (Saturday) you should attend the 8:00 am class at San Jose (yes, I know, it's early...) and we'll then have a workout at 9. The workout will involve some running, some pullup-type work, stuff on the other words, a little chipper!
Also, I would recommend that everyone think about getting involved in the NorCal Bro-down team challenge - its a nice relaxing way for everyone to get a little competition experience.
Coach Mickey

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Homework/workout update!

Hello Comp Clubbies! I hope the rowing and bar muscle up homework went well. I've added a Google Doc for everyone to enter their workout results into. (Some homework sessions won't need to be entered, but I would like to see some numbers for others, such as the rowing workout from Monday (this will help me assess people's weaknesses and strengths). Please take a look and enter your info if I haven't already, and also feel free to change your name (nickname, etc).
Wednesday will be a testing day! Typically Wednesday will be for more skill type practices, but this week let's do a named workout as a test

During the day you'll need to do the general class workout (your choice of when):
Then at 5:30 I will work with you through the following as a group (after an appropriate warmup):

Power Clean and Jerk
* Must use same weight for each set.
* Cannot lower weight once it is chosen
* No dropping. Has to be touch and go
* Rest as needed between sets
* Record weights and reps per set.

Your homework for the rest of the week will be:

Alternate between
GHD Situps 20-20-20
KB TGU 4-4-4 (as heavy as possible)
* Rest as needed between sets

I'd recommend doing this Thursday after class. 

As a reminder this Saturday you should attend the 8:00 class at San Jose, and then at 9:00 we will do a group workout together. At 10 is the rowing seminar.
Any questions? Email me!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Homework time!
Listed below is the homework for the next few days. Don't forget, this homework is in ADDITION to your normal class workouts.
The homework listed below can be performed on your own schedule, before or after class (I'd suggest afterwards when your already warmed up). I'll create a Google Doc that you can access and record some of the scores, so I can start to get an idea of your individual strengths and weaknesses, but until I create it, please make a note of your performances and let me know.
VERY IMPORTANT! Since much of the homework will need to be done at the gym, please let the coaches know what you're doing, and absolutely do not disturb the classes! Don't drop weights or row while the coach is talking to the class, don't walk among the class while they're doing a group warmup etc. The coaches are all aware of the comp club, and the need for you to do your homework, but we don't want to make their lives harder!
So, without further ado, here is your first few days:
On Monday
Row 500m
rest 2min
Row 250m
rest 1min
2 Rounds
Please note your times for the two distances, both rounds
On Tuesday
Bar Muscle Up 5-5-5-5-5
* Scale and break up as needed. Record how many are consecutive. Complete set as fast as possible.
* Rest as needed between sets.
Tabata L-Sit
20sec on/10sec off - 8 rounds
* Scale as needed
* Record any time you come out of hold
On Wednesday
The class is a mandatory one, and we will follow it up with a testing session; a named workout involving power clean and jerks (I'll leave it as a surprise!). 
Coach Mickey

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Comp Club 2.0!

Hello fire breathing maniacs!

We are pleased to announce that the Competition Club is being restarted!

This club will be for ALL members that are interested in competing in the sport of Crossfit, at any level, whether its a local gym throwdown, or next years Open and Affiliate team. 

Coach Mickey will handle the coaching and running of the club, with Taz's support on programming. The goal is to give YOU, our clients the specialized programming and volume that is tailored to the demands of competition.


1. The Comp Club will have a monthly fee of $50. This is in line with the other specialty clubs and it also helps ensure member ownership and dedication to the club.

2. Since we strongly believe that the best way for our members to prepare for Crossfit competitions is to do our regularly scheduled classes, Comp Club members must attend at least four classes per week. The Comp Club homework and additional coached sessions are in addition to these classes, not in lieu of them. One of these classes will be a mandatory class where the Club members can do a class workout together, followed by a homework session. This will be on a Saturday.

3. There will be two coached/supervised sessions per week. Wednesday at 5:30 will have a lifting (snatch, etc) or technical (muscle up, double under, etc) focus.  And a 10:00 Saturday session which will have a "competition style" setting. Initially these will both be at San Jose, but will occasionally move to the other gyms.

4. There will also be two additional homework/supplemental sessions that can be done prior to or following a class. This will be specific work to accomplish; members cannot do work of their own choosing with the excuse of "its for the comp club".

5. We will have a means of logging required homework sessions so the coach and members can track their progress. There may be additional supplemental work for individual members to address specific deficencies, but that will be up to the coach and individual member. 

Please email either or if you would like to sign up or have any more questions/comments or concerns. We would love to hear from you.