Hi guys! First, this week let's continue with the Wednesday
session. I know that this is a crummy time for some, but I haven't been
able to come up with a better alternative...
Also, next Saturday we will meet after the 9:00 class at Redwood City. I'll be teaching the 9:00 class there, and we'll hold our session immediately afterwards.
Homework time.
MondayAlso, next Saturday we will meet after the 9:00 class at Redwood City. I'll be teaching the 9:00 class there, and we'll hold our session immediately afterwards.
Homework time.
Double Unders
* Each set is unbroken.
* Scale to less sets to make it achievable within 5-8min
will be an important workout to test your comfort level with du's.
Virtually every competition nowadays requires proficiency at them, and
if its a skill that needs work we should know!
Wall Facing Handstand Holds - Opposite Tabata 10sec on/20sec off - 8 rounds
Every 30sec for 5min
7 burpees
facing handstand holds are an excellent way to practice for the
ultimate goal - handstand walks! You can either cartwheel into the hold
(preferred) or do a wall walk into it.
Lifting session!
I will pick a lift I feel everyone should work on (I can be bribed if you have a favorite...)
* Work on technique and up to heavy 3 rep.
10min EMOM
2 reps of the chosen lift (moderate weight)
2 strict HSPU (make harder if this is too easy by using a deficite OR scale if too needed)
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