Monday, January 28, 2013

Post #7

Hey guys so I hope your week is going good and you guys had a great workout today.  Tomorrow's workout is going to have a lot of volume, so take be prepared and come in and kick it's butt.

Part 1) Start of a squat program.  20 rep back squat.
*So the way this works guys is you choose a weight, let's say 225, and you perform 20 reps at that weight without setting the bar down.  You can rest as much as you need with the bar on your back, however you cannot rack it or drop it.  Then on Thursday we will at 5 TOTAL lbs, so 230 and do the same thing...20 reps.
Let's choose a weight that's a moderate heavy load, but somewhat towards the more moderate side haha we are going to do this back squat program for awhile (4-6 weeks) so the last thing we want you to do is fail on your second week. So warm up to your weight then hit it!

Part 2) EMOM for 20 min Perform:
6 front rack lunges (3 on right/3 on left) (185/125) (odd minute)
15 pullups (even minute)



  1. SO STOKED about the squat program!

  2. I went to RWC at noon today. I did the posted workout doing about a dozen muscle-ups plus some transition work in the first part. Lots of good feedback from Molly and Alex on things to work on to try and fix my "chicken wing". I'll keep working at it.

    Finished up exactly 9 rounds going RX on the workout. The v-ups got surprisingly hard.

    I was going to then do the 20 squats but was given a unanimous "no you've done enough" from the coaches so didn't. My current 20 rep back squat max is 145# so will try to work from that but not sure how much below that to start. Any suggestions?

  3. Felt pretty good on the 20 BS @ #195, ready to jump to 200 for Thursday.

    I scaled the WOD to #115 (i'll call it Master weight) and that seemed OK and kept me moving. For the PU's I did 15 for 4 rds., 12 for 3rds., and 10 for 3rds. Definitely will be doing some hand maintenance tonight to help out the hands.

  4. damn it Mike.. youre my challenge. I went conservative because of my upcoming comp this weekend (if I get home soon enough).. started with 185# and felt good.

    then did some OLY workmat CF Progression, snatches, clean n jerks, then more backsquats (8 RM @225) and that felt good.
