Monday, November 25, 2013


Homework for remainder of the week:
NCLabs workout
5 heavy sets of snatch, hang snatch, high hang snatch
You'll be limited by the high hang, so warmup appropriately 

I will be out of town this Wednesday, so we won't meet as a group
NCLabs workout
20 minute EMOM
Odd minute row for calories (20/15)
Even minute HSPU
Scale the row so it takes you roughly 35 seconds, but maintain your calorie number!

5k erg row
You have all been instructed on proper rowing technique - work this 5k as form practice, more than an all out time trial!

We'll meet at San Jose (and hopefully they won't have another seminar!)

Monday, November 18, 2013

Nov 19 - Nov 24

Alternate between
GHD Situps 20-20-20
KB TGU 4-4-4 (as heavy as possible)
* Rest as needed between sets
(We did this one a couple of months ago, and I'd like to see if it goes any better this time.)

Followed by

2 sets of 8 wrist pushups (band assisted) (see
(I know these are tough, but they really are very effective in developing wrist strength!)
Let's spend some time working on the snatch (not too heavy, but working on technique), followed by a rowing workout. 

Spend 20 minutes on shoulder mobility! Roll out with a lax ball, work external and internal rotation, etc. 

We'll meet at San Jose.


Sunday, November 17, 2013

Monday Nov 18 homework

Let's continue in the strength-y type work for your Monday homework:
Tabata pullups interspersed with Tabata pushups

20 sec pullups, 10 sec rest
20 sec pushups, 10 sec rest
20 sec pullups, etc
For 8 minutes (totaling one full Tabata for each movement)
Your goal - never drop off the pullup bar! (I intentionally put in the pushups so your grip strength can recover.)
Please email me your results! I'd like to see how everyone is doing in their pullup and pushups, since it was a serious weakness for many comp club members and I have been programming both in the homework.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Week of Nov 11

Today's wod is a long, Hero one, so let's go strength-y in the homework:
5 x max pull-ups
5 x max push-ups

EMOM 5 minutes:
max L-sit on the rings
remainder of time doing double unders
followed after a 5 minute rest by:
EMOM 5 minutes
10 handstand hold shoulder touches (5 each hand)
Pull up, muscle up practice, with a short WOD involving both afterwards (pushups are in Thursday's class workout, so you shouldn't do too many on this evening)
Thursday, Friday
Leg TLC! The class workouts the last couple of days will have been tough on the legs, so spend several minutes with a foam roller on your IT bands, calves, inner leg and quads. Also use a lacrosse ball to roll out your hamstrings and glutes (this is easier if you sit on the ballusing a plyo box or hard chair)
We'll meet in San Jose at 10 am, unless you hear from me otherwise!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Homework for week of Nov 4

EMOM for 10 minutes
5 toes to bar
10 air squats
Your grip will be worked during the regular class, so the purpose of the homework is to continue that forearm work!
5 rounds
5 strict pullups
10 pushups
30 second plank hold
rest 1 minute between rounds
We'll work on the 3 position snatch (mid shin, above knees, hang).
Afterwards, we'll do a classic CrossFit Girl named workout....that may involve snatches....

Thursday and Friday
Core stretch work! I'll review these Wednesday night when we get together.
Another partner workout!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Monday homework

Here's a quick one for everyone - good practice for pistols....taken from the NCLAb site:
8 minute Tabata (alternating)
20 seconds pistols
10 sec rest
20 sec sit ups
10 sec rest
20 sec pistols...
For the sit ups do regular situps (GHD sit-ups are too intense for this...)

Monday, October 21, 2013

Homework for the rest of the week

Hopefully you were all able to do the toes to bar work! Right?
Here is your work for the rest of the week

Your shoulder should be a little tired from Mondays snatch, so lets finish them off with:
5 minutes shoulder taps (yes, like last week!) followed immediately by
Tabata push press 45/35 (ouch!)

as a group we'll work on ring muscle ups, rope climbs, and double unders!
Expect a Tabata or two involving these!

On your own, work on rebounding your box jumps! I know I usually preach stepping down (for your Achilles happiness!) but being able to rebound is a useful skill for comps...practice it!
Afterwards spend time on your ankle and calf mobility.

From the NCLab workouts...ANGIE! It's a good one for our "Volume Saturdays", and it will go well with Wednesdays class workout! (trust me.....hehe....). Angie is 100 of each of the following: pullups pushups situps squats.


Sunday, October 20, 2013

Homewrok for Monday

I hope everyone had a great Sunday - congrats to Helen for her half marathon!
Your homework for tomorrow is another NCLab quick one - 50 toes to bar for time! Try to do this one relatively quickly after the class workout. I'll have the rest of the weeks work soon.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Oct 14-20

Hello comp club members! I hope everyone had a great weekend, and is ready for the upcoming week's comp club homework.
15 minute AMRAP
1 pullup, 1 box jump (30/24)
2 pullups, 2 box jumps
3 pullups, 3 box jumps
As usual, I encourage stepping down on the box jumps if your achilles or calves feel tight or tired!
Afterwards, stretch out each leg with a 2 minute straight leg calf stretch, and a 2 minute bent knee achilles stretch.
5 minute handstand shoulder touches
You can either face the wall (the easier version) or face away from it. While holding a handstand, shift your weight from hand to hand, and attempt to touch the unweighted hand to it's shoulder. If you need to drop down (you will...5 minutes is a long time!), try to get back up as soon as possible. IF YOU ATTEND THE CLASS ON THIS DAY, DO THIS WORKOUT AFTERWARDS.
Mandatory class. The workout for the class is a partner wod; if possible do it with a fellow comp club member!
During our evening session, we will work on our snatch balance (heaving and non-heaving), then find a 1RM snatch.
Shoulder mobility time! Between the regular classes and the homework, I suspect everyone's shoulders will be pretty tired, so spend some time today rolling out the shoulders with a lax ball, foam roller, etc, and stretch them out as well.I can give everyone stretching ideas Wednesday
After the class workout, we will do the following (taken from NCLab):
5 rounds for reps of he following
1 minute airdyne (calories)
1 minute box jump (24/20)
1 minute 1 arm DB snatch (heavy)

Monday, October 7, 2013

Oct 8 - 12

Here is your schedule for the remainder of the week:
Core day!
Tabata (20 sec on, 10 sec rest) hollow rocks (try to find a scale you can hold (static hold, one knee bent, both knees bent, etc) for at least the first 4 or 5 20 second periods
Tabata superman
Tabata L-sit
Tabata hip extension (remember, unlike the back extension, in the hip extension the back is held tight and you pivot up and down at your hip)
Give yourself 3 minutes off between the different tabatas (I'd like you to hit each one hard!)
We are going to work the hang power snatch as a group, for a good 45 minutes! Several club members really need to work on ridding themselves of an early arm pull, and almost everyone needs to work on getting under the bar fast, so we'll concentrate on these. Everyone's legs and hammies will be pretty tired (trust me...I know what your workouts are the next couple of days), so lets take time between lifts and work technique!
Afterwards, we'll do a partner WOD, using a light snatch weight.
Leg mobilizing! Spend time rolling out your hamstrings, quads, etc. After class make sure you stretch out your legs as well. I spend more than 30 minutes on my legs on these days doing two minute stretches of the achilles (left and right), calves, hamstrings, IT band, groin, quads, hip flexor, and glutes! Put some tunes on, and hold these stretches!
The schedule for this day is still in flux - Coach Molly is getting married and many of us are heading up to Sonoma Saturday afternoon. I'll keep everyone updated. At worst, I will give everyone a homework workout to do.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Monday Homework

Hello everyone! I hope your weekend was great. Big congrats to Yvonne for a great performance at your comp Saturday!
Your workout for Monday comes from the NCLab website and is a couple of little toughies!
First, for 10 minutes (the NCLab one is 15 minutes, but I'd like you to shorten it)
do 1 round of Cindy at the start of every minute
finish the minute on the Airdyne bike
(Don't forget, Cindy is 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 airsquats)
Next after a few minutes of to recover:
30-20-10 of
GHD situps
kettlebell swings
I will send out the rest of this weeks homework as the week progresses! The mandatory class will be on Wednesday.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sept 30 to Oct 5

Try to make sure you get the homework done on the days listed! I try to make the homework work in concert with the class workouts and by skipping the homework or doing them on different days I fear many are overtraining on some days! Also, if I've given you extra work to do make sure you work on it!
This is a repeat of a workout many of you found very challenging, from June.

Ring swinging support holds (see
4x30sec, rest 1+ minutes between rounds
This is a classic gymnastic based shoulder and core stability exercise that sounds pretty easy but is very challenging. Make sure you watch the video, and note the external rotation the gymnast holds, as well as the tight core position, and that you take enough time off between sets so each effort is a strong one.
Alternate between
GHD Situps 20-20-20
KB TGU 4-4-4 (as heavy as possible)
* Rest as needed between sets
As a group we will be doing several body weight Tabata's, back to back (think pullups, pushups, etc)
THIS IS THE MANDATORY WEEKLY CLASS! Follow it up with calf stretches and rolling out the calf and Achilles using a barbell (I'll demo these Wednesday night).
This is tbd for both the workout and location!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Upcoming homework!

You may have noticed that we have started to incorporate some of the workouts that are on the NCLab website! As we progress, these will start to be more and more common in your homework. Hopefully, those NorCal Crossfit members that wish to do more of the Jason, Pat, etc. type of volume and intensity (ie start following some of the NCLab programming) will find the Competition Club a good place to get it!
Here is your homework for the upcoming week (I may change this as the week progresses and details of the Lab workouts become available):
10 min EMOM 10 GHD sit ups
rest 3 minutes
10 min EMOM 10 GHD hip extensions
On your sit ups, don't go beyond parallel on the way back, and on your hip extensions, don't go too far down (that you lose lumbar tightness) or too high (that you hyper-extend)
5 minute handstand hold with as many shoulder touches as possible. You can perform these either facing toward or away from the wall. In a handstand, pick one hand up and attempt to touch that hand's shoulder. Alternate hands. If you need to come down, try to go back up as soon as possible.
This class is the mandatory one for the week
10 rounds:
10 overhead squats (75/45)
10 pushups
10 situps
The overhead squats will be from the ground, not the rack.

spend 10 minutes on the foam or PVC roller concentrating on your legs, and another 20 minutes stretching out your lower body (calf, IT band, groin, hamstring). Hold each stretch for 2 continuoes minutes!
The club will meet at REDWOOD CITY this Saturday. The workout will be:
"Linda" aka "3 bars of death"
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of the following triplet
Deadlift at 1 1/2 times body weight
Bench press at body weight
Clean at 3/4 body weight
This is an extraordinarily difficult old school CrossFit workout! it will be even more so following Saturdays WOD. Please make sure you have recovered from the class workout, and that you scale this properly!


Sunday, September 15, 2013

Week's homework

Hello everyone! I hope you had a great weekend! Here is your upcoming homework. As usual, if I have given you individual homework, mobility or strength work for example, that is in addition to the following:
10 minute AMRAP rope climbs
use any method you want
10 min of 30 sec Airdyne, 30 sec plank hold
keep your transition time quick!
10 min EMOM 8 HSPU and 8 pistols
pistols are 8 total - scale as needed!
15 minutes partner sled push
Thursday and Friday
Hip and ankle mobility
make sure your do some calf stretches, both straight legged and bent knee variety
This will be a partner wod, decided by me depending on how everyone feels after the week of work!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sept 9 -16 Homework and workouts

Happy Weekend everyone! Here is your homework for the upcoming week.
6 rounds
25 situps
10 OHS (115/75)
Scale the overhead squats so you can do the first couple of rounds unbroken
8 min AMRAP
8 elevated feet ring rows (try to have your feet at least ring level)
8 elevated feet ring pushups (again, feet at least ring level)
we'll spend 20 minutes working the 3 position snatch (ground, knees, high hang)
3 rounds max strict pullups
3 rounds max kipping pullups
take as much time off in between sets. If your use a band, try to use a small enough one that you max out at less than 10 strict pullups each round.
Thursday and Friday
Spend time mobilizing! Especially your shoulders as they will have been worked alot this week!
WE WILL MEET IN REDWOOD CITY after the 9am class.
The workout will be the 2010 Sectional workout from the Central Canada region:
5 rounds
5 power cleans (155/105)
10 burpees
200m run
(there'll be a 15 minute time cap on this)

Monday, September 2, 2013


As promised here's the weeks homework!
MANDATORY WORKOUT DAY! This is a good classic CrossFit type day, and would benefit almost everyone in the club!
Also, do the following workout:
From the upcoming Battle of the Sexes comp this weekend, do WOD 2 "Pistols":
7 minute AMRAP of:
3 Pull up toes to bar*
6 Pistols
30 Double Unders
*Pull up toes to bar: 1 pull and 1 toes to bar = 1 rep.

do the following workout from a comp that Kevin is doing soon:
18 Ground to overhead (135/95)
30 toes to bar
15 Ground to overhead
20 burpees
12 Ground to overhead
10 bar muscle ups
9 Ground to overhead
20 burpees
6 Ground to overhead
30 toes to bar
3 Ground to overhead
Yes, I know its two days in a row with toes to bar but Tuesday's is short! Pick a challenging weight! Even the top dogs will get pretty tired at 135 with that many reps. I'd scale to one you can do 10 or so unbroken when pretty fresh...just don't go too heavy! You shouldn't end up doing these as singles. For the Bar MuscleUps, either do the jumping version we did a few Saturdays ago, or do one chest to bar and one ring dip per muscle up.
Core work!
4 rounds
15 GHD situps
30 second superman hold
Several will be taking this as a rest day because of the comps; for everyone else, let's do a team wod that I'll come up with based on the day's gym workout.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Upcoming homework!

Here's your comp club homework for the next few days:
7 rounds
1 rope climb
10 wall ball shots (20/14, 10 foot target)
30 double unders
Rest! Do some MOBILIZING!
Mandatory class day
We'll do the following:
4 rounds
15 meters burpee broadjumps (yes...really...)
10 pushups
row 250 meters
followed by:
4 rounds
10 hspu
10 pullups
row 200 meters
5 rounds
Max strict ring dips (scale if you need to)
wait 3 minutes between sets
5 rounds
Max strict pullups
wait 3 minutes between sets

Monday, August 19, 2013

Aug 19 - Aug 21

I hope everyone had a good weekend! It was great going to the Lalanne Throwdown to watch Sam, Michael, and Yvonne compete! They did great!!
Monday's homework is a tough little wod! Please complete the following (please allow some time to recuperate after your class wod before attempting this one!):
20 pullups
then 5 rounds of row 500 meters, 10 thrusters at 105/75
finish with 20 pullups

As a reward for Monday's homework, Tuesday will be mobility day! Spend half an hour on your shoulder and back mobility, stretching both internal and external rotation of the shoulder joint, and use a lacrosse ball on the upper back area. Also spend some of that time stretching out the wrists. This is in preparation for Wednesday's workout....I'll keep it a surprise, but we'll work your clean technique and then prepare to go heavy, with a small wod to finish off!

Also, I apologize for the late notice, but this week's mandatory workout day will be Tuesday's muscle up/snatch workout! This will be a great day to practice those scaling options we talked about last Wednesday!


Sunday, August 11, 2013

Aug 12 to 18

Hello Comp Club members! This week we'll continue the volume of last week - everyone seemed to like that (but if it all gets to be too much, please let me know!). Next week is the LaLanne throwdown, please let me know if you're competing.
Again, if you have individual homework, please continue that this week.

Max snatch balance.
Please do all three variations!
First is a PRESSING SNATCH BALANCE, where your feet are always in your landing (squat position, and there is no dip and drive - just a press down under the bar.
Second is the HEAVING SNATCH BALANCE, where you can dip and drive the weight up, but your feet again don't move from the receiving position.
Third is the SNATCH BALANCE. This is the standard one, where you dip and drive, and your feet will shift from under your hips to the wider, squat stance.
do the following workout, from the 2010 Canadian regional workouts (#4):
50 double unders
10 burpees
40 double unders
10 burpees
30 double unders
10 burpees
20 double unders
10 burpees
10 double unders
10 burpees
If you do not have double unders, count attempts. Please don't do a 2-1 or 3-1 single for double substitution; you won't get the same aerobic response from attempts, but you will get better at double unders, and that's the goal!
Please also make sure you perform your burpees to standard - when you stand and jump, make sure your feet leave the ground (not really a jump otherwise, is it?!), and make sure you stand up all the way.
EITHER MONDAY OR TUESDAY do the following rowing workout:
On Monday you will row 500 meters as part of your class workout, and if you don't attend Monday, please row 500 on your own, and make it a hard, but not all out effort. THIS 500 is your benchmark for the following workout.  After a short break 5 or 10 minutes, ROW 2000 meters, with negative splits. That is, row the first 500 at a rate 8 seconds slower than the rate you did the 500 meter piece earlier. The second 500 of the 2000 is only 4 seconds slower, the third 500 is the same rate as the earlier 500. The last 500 is AT LEAST 4 seconds faster than the benchmark 500. Not everyone rows (or runs, or bikes, or...) with negative splits, but its good for you to feel what it's like!
We will meet at San Jose and do the following:
First, we will spend 15 to 20 minutes on muscle up practice.
1 kettlebell swing (1 1/2pd, 1 pd)
1 burpee
We will add one of each every minute until you drop out.
Thursday and Friday
Ankle and hip mobility drills on BOTH days!
Something special! ('ll involve three wods, two girls, and has been done by Rob Orlando in a YouTube video) (hint 2, Coach Alex has called it the hardest workout he's ever done)....
The schedule Saturday is TBD - it depends on how many are headed to the LaLanne comp.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Homework and classwork for Aug 5th -Aug 11th

This week, if I have not given you specific, individual homework, you need to do the following workout on either Monday or Tuesday:
Row, 1 min for max calories followed by 1 minute easy row, 10 rounds (20 minutes total)
In the first minute, row at 20 strokes per minute (s/m)
In the second working minute, at 22 s/m
In the third, 24 s/m

This week's mandatory class is Tuesday.
Monday 5th August
15 minute handstand walk practice

2 sets of 8 wrist pushups (band assisted) (see

Tuesday 6th August
10 x 10 overhead squats
Build weight throughout

Wednesday 7th August
10 thrusters (115/80)
max strict pullups
10 thrusters (115/80)
max kipping pullups
10 thrusters (115/80)

Thursday 8th August
10 rope climbs, at your own pace
10 minutes wrist flexibility

Saturday 10th August
Spend 15 minutes finding heavy squat clean
rest, then:
8 minute EMOM
3 bar muscle ups (scale to jumping bar mu's)
5 burpees
2 heavy squat clean
followed immediately by:
2 minute max chest-to-bar pullups


Monday, July 29, 2013

Weekly homework

I know most of you were out late celebrating Jason's and Garret's amazing performance at this years CrossFit Games, so I took it easy on everyone today...So tomorrow you get a double dose! 

Max unbroken kettlebell Turkish get ups (24/16)
Rules are you must switch hands each time, can't rest the kettlebell on your body. Session ends when you can't continue!
(after a 10 minute break)
Tabata KB swings (24/16)
Go American style (overhead), but don't over arch your back to do so! If you don't have the shoulder flexibility to go directly overhead, go Russian style (eye level). C.J. Martin of Invictus had a great article on this -
We will then do two tests:
max vertical jump (a good test of hip explosive power)
max strict press
Mobility day!
Spend 2 minutes on each of the following stretches (that's 2 minutes each side!):
-straight leg calf
-bent knee calf
-"couch stretch"
-good morning (make sure you have a slight bend in your knee!)
- mountain climber
Then spend 10 minutes rolling out your IT band and quads
Surprise day!

Monday, July 22, 2013


Make sure to make plans to watch Jason and Garret this weekend, either in-person down in LA, or on the Games website!
I hope the leg raises today went well (or at least that you felt their effects).
Here's your homework for the remainder of this week. I haven't listed Saturday yet, since I haven't heard from everyone on who will be around or down in LA.

not for time
3 sets of 10 meter handstand walks
3 sets of 10 nose-toward wall shoulder touches while in a nose-toward wall handstand (that is, face the wall and pick up one hand and touch that hands' shoulder, repeat with opposite hand)

For 20 minutes, every two minutes on the minute (etmom) perform 1 full snatch and 2 overhead squats
(you must increase weight each round until failure, then drop to previous weight for reminder of sets)

Spend 20 minutes on shoulder mobility. Yes, this is a lot, but most can use it! In the time, do at least 10 skin-the-cats and 10 bridges.


Sunday, July 14, 2013

Kip positioning and homework

This last Saturday I spoke a lot on the body position at the bottom of the kipping movement, whether it's the pullup, toes-to-bar, or knees-to-elbow kip (which is why I designed that particular day's workout the way I did). Here's a pic of what many members look like:
I'd bet you have seen this type of photo many times - someone at the extreme end of their mobility, all ready to fire off a kipping pullup. But the positioning shown here could be much safer and more efficient! She's lost all tension in her body and needs to re-engage her core to get a good "pop" to her kip, and her shoulders are completely disengaged, which will eventually lead to joint issues!
Here is a photo of Carl Paoli from Gymnastics wod also at the bottom of his kip (in this case a toes-to-bar):
Notice how he looks like he could be doing a "superman" on the floor (aka a reverse hollow body) since his core is fully active. And although it's hard to see in the pic, his shoulders are fully engaged (which will allow him to pull down on the bar to achieve that leaned back upper body for the toe touch). Safe, little body energy wasted, strong. That's what we're after!
Here's two more videos to learn from. The first is by Dusty Hyland of CrossFit Gymnastics
2012 CrossFit Games - Mastering the Bar Muscle-Up (
and the second is by Carl Paoli
Bar Muscle Up Progression Pt.1 (
Both describe that bottom position really well!

Here is your homework for the next week:

Monday 15th July

1x10 Wrist pushups (band assisted) (see
This is a great gymnastics move that works the wrist strength and flexibility. The use band assistance (which everyone will!) put a large green band on the pullup structure like you were going to do a band assisted pulllup, step through the band so that when you go down into the pushup position the band is around your waist supporting much of your weight.
10 minutes wrist flexibility

Tuesday 16th July
EMOM for 10 minutes of 2 rope climbs each minute.
Practice both methods described by Jason here
Ideally use each method every other minute (the "clamp" on minute 1, 3, 5, etc and the Spanish Wrap on 2, 4, ..)

Wednesday 17th July
Front lever pulls (see, banded) 
I will give direction on this movement during our session together. Please watch the video beforehand, and I'll demonstrate how to use a band to make it more accessible for everyone
20 minutes, 3 position snatch, high to low. 
This will be one snatch at the high hang position, followed imediallty by one from just above the knees, followed by one from the ground. The goal is to help eliminate the early "jump" that many people do. Once you realize you can actually snatch a weight from the high hang, you hopefully will have the patience to re-achieve that jump position coming from the ground!

Thursday 18th July
max unbroken ring dips
rest 10 minutes
max weighted ring dip

Friday you should mobilize, and Saturday is the Brodown comp. 
As usual, let me know if you have any questions or issues!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Upcoming Homework

Well, from today it looks like circle ups are something that we need to work on! Pulling and core strength should be a priority for many of you and I'll make a point of hitting these in the homework!
For tomorrow, your homework is:
Max L-sit - 5 attempts, with 3 min between attempts

For Saturday, lets meet at San Jose after the 9am class ends, so yu can either attend the 8 or 9 class beforehand. The workout that day will be:
10 minute EMOM
3 rounds of:
1 knees to elbows
1 toes to bar
1 pullup

Then after a break:
Death by 10m

This workout will be very challenging if you don't have your kipping movement for the knees to elbows and toes to bar down! The toes to bar work in the general class today should have given you an indication of how they will go Saturday, and we will review them a little before the workout.
As usual, any questions or concerns, please let me know! Feel free to leave comments on the blog! (Helen, feel free to call out anyone in particular on her core strength....)

Sunday, July 7, 2013

July 8th week

Saturday was a tough workout (anytime you start with 15 wall climbs...) but everyone did well. I hope everyone's forearms are recovered from the farmer's carry! Next time you have them, concentrate on keeping good posture and your shoulders rolled back (not slumped forward); this will help to keep your upper back from getting too sore or cramped! 
This week we're going a little more gymnastic in movements, but it should mesh well with the class workouts....
For Monday:
2 rounds
Embedded Planche progression 15 sec hold
2 muscle ups or 5 muscle up progressions
rest 3 minutes, repeat for total of 3 super-cycles
(Planche progression: frog stand, tuck stand, flat tuck stand)

In other words, do 15 sec hold, two muscle ups, another 15 sec hold and 2 muscle ups, then rest 3 minutes.

For the frog stands see
The elbows should rest one the knees, and try to point your index fingers forward - this may require better wrist flexibility than you have, so if you need to turn your wrists out slightly, go ahead. Use your fingertips to balance!
For the tuck balance see
If that's too easy, straighten you back more (which makes it a flat tuck stand).
(BTW is called "embedded" planche because it's done on its own, not as part of a sequence of movements...)

Only do the muscle up option if your good at muscle ups! Otherwise sub in a progression (jumping through the rings, seated with the bands, etc), I want this to be more of a technique workout than a strength one!
For Tuesday
3 rounds:
5 3-count pushups
5 3-count dips
rest as needed between rounds. The 3 count is on the negative of the movement - for both the pushup and dip concentrate on keeing a tight core! The "up" portion of both should be dynamic. It's only 15 total so make those negatives nice and slow throughout the whole range of movement! I know some members find dips hard, so if you need to sub in jumping up into the extended arm position, that's ok as long as you keep a slow negative.

In addition, we'll do
5 rounds:
in 2 minutes, 3 circle ups
max double unders in remaining time
If we run into space issues on the pull up rig, I'll change this up (no...I'm not saying what the Wednesday class wod is....).

Any questions please let me know! 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Happy 4th of July!

Amazing job tonight everyone! The C+J workout was a tough one, and you guys all did great - I know I did a lot of small coaching throughout, and you guys listened and responded really well. It's always more fun as a coach to have a group that is willing to work on their stuff and get better!
Your homework for the next couple of days is simple - MOBILIZE! It's been a tough few days this week, and on top of that many of you have added the extra work for comp club on top of that, so take a couple of days to spoil your body.
Saturday we will meet at Santa Clara. You should do the 10:00 class, and we will then have our workout at 11.
Enjoy your 4th of July holiday!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

I hoped everyone had a relaxing weekend! Saturdays workout was very well done by everyone...although it did point out that rope climbs and handstands are something most can benefit from practicing more! The next few days are going to be great ones at the gym - Taz has some really cool stuff planned.
The homework for the next few days:
Ring swinging support holds (see
4x30sec, rest 1+ minutes between rounds
This is a classic gymnastic based shoulder and core stability exercise that sounds pretty easy but is very challenging. Make sure you watch the video, and note the external rotation the gymnast holds, as well as the tight core position, and that you take enough time off between sets so each effort is a strong one.

This will be your mandatory class for the week! It will be a testing day that I'll leave as a surprise for you to see on the website, but you'll also need to do the following work in addition to the daily WOD:
4 rnds:
15 GHD situps
30 sec superman hold
If you are not proficient at the GHD sit-ups, you MUST talk to a coach first - if you do these incorrectly you can hurt your lower back and your abs will be out of commission for awhile!
15 min muscle snatch work
AMRAP 15 min:
5 C+J 135/95
rest 30 sec
This is the work we'll be doing together at San Jose at 5:30.
If you have any questions please let me know!


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Great job tonight everyone! Hopefully everyone felt like they got a little better at their snatch.
Homework for Thursday:
Accumulate 5min in a bridge
* make sure your back is in the appropriate extended position, not broken
Accumulate 5min in a plank
Friday's class is the weekly mandatory class - attend one of those sessions.
Saturday's class is also mandatory (yes, I remember several of you are out of town!) and IS IN REDWOOD CITY! Afterward we will do the following workout:
10 Rope Climbs
Rest 2min
5 Power Snatch (95/65)
5 Chest to bar pullup
AMRAP 5min
Rest 2min
10 Deadlift (135/95)
10 Air Squats
AMRAP 5min
Rest 2min
Handstand walk 30m
I will change the order a little because of the lack of ropes at RWC, but everyone should be prepared to do them! (So bring shin/ankle/etc protection if you need it!). If rope climbs are still a challenge don't worry, we'll work on them!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Just a reminder that tomorrow you should attend one of the classes and do the daily wod, and we will then meet at 5:30 for our comp club workout.
Bring your oly shoes (and wrist bands, etc) - we're going to snatch! Yep, I know you snatched today in class, but I'd like to go again tomorrow for several reasons. First, you should all be a little more comfy with the movement after practicing today, and so tomorrow we can work on fine tuning the things you worked on today (you did work on something today didn't you?!?). Second, I feel that working on lifts back to back days is an excellent way to improve your lifts - and it's something that as comp club members you can do!
And finally, I'd like to work on something specific tomorrow - catching medium/heavy lifts at a medium/deep squat. Most people can catch a light snatch as either a muscle snatch or a 1/4 squat power snatch and they can also catch a very heavy snatch in a full squat. But it's very difficult to catch a medium weight somewhere in between the two. We're going to hit that weight tomorrow by doing sets of 3 reps - less than your one rep max, and something that you shouldn't have to drop into a full squat to catch. We'll talk more about it tomorrow at class - see you there!

Sunday, June 23, 2013


Hi guys! First, this week let's continue with the Wednesday session. I know that this is a crummy time for some, but I haven't been able to come up with a better alternative...
Also, next Saturday we will meet after the 9:00 class at Redwood City. I'll be teaching the 9:00 class there, and we'll hold our session immediately afterwards.

Homework time.
Double Unders
* Each set is unbroken.
* Scale to less sets to make it achievable within 5-8min
This will be an important workout to test your comfort level with du's. Virtually every competition nowadays requires proficiency at them, and if its a skill that needs work we should know!

Wall Facing Handstand Holds - Opposite Tabata 10sec on/20sec off - 8 rounds
Every 30sec for 5min
7 burpees
Wall facing handstand holds are an excellent way to practice for the ultimate goal - handstand walks! You can either cartwheel into the hold (preferred) or do a wall walk into it.

Lifting session!
I will pick a lift I feel everyone should work on (I can be bribed if you have a favorite...)
* Work on technique and up to heavy 3 rep.
10min EMOM
2 reps of the chosen lift (moderate weight)
2 strict HSPU (make harder if this is too easy by using a deficite OR scale if too needed)
