Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Post #23

WOD for Thursday:

30 wall balls (20/14)
15 power cleans @ 185/115
30 wall balls
12 power cleans @ 205/135
30 wall balls
9 power cleans @ 225/155

*one bar. You change the weights.

I finished the workout in 8:14...Pat was around 8:40ish!

Something to shoot for!!


  1. I used a 14# wall ball going to 9+ feet. Weights on the cleans were 103#, 118#, 133#. I think my time was 18:50.

  2. Back Squat program: 245 for 20 reps.

    WOD: 12:17Rx My last 9 power cleans turned into squat cleans...dirty!

    The warm up today was fun!

  3. Great workout! Finished at 11:43 with clean weights 85, 95, 105

  4. I was partnered (shared barbell) up with Jojo so the time was off since there was some wait time. Finished 13:12

    Cleans 155, 175, 195 - 20# WB.
