Monday, February 4, 2013

Post #12

Continue your back squat program...add a total of 5 lbs.


50 Toes 2 Bar
800 Meter run
75 push presses at (75/45)
150 double unders


  1. For the non FB people here is a list of some times from Tuesday's comp club WOD.

    Brian A - 16:22
    Spike - 19:00
    Daniel M - 19:20
    Ryan O - 19:10
    Bryan L - 23:28
    Austin - 19:05
    Nicole L - 20:47
    Scott F -16:44
    Bill - 30:13
    Michelle - 18:30
    Mike O - 18:35
    Brittany - 17:30
    Jojo - 19:03

    I know some people did sub HSPU, and might have scaled the 75/45 but good work everyone.

    Bill way to keep going on those DU's and not quitting.

  2. that was my first day of the back squat program so I started at 155# - all you guys around 205 are beasts and i'm incredibly stoked to start working harder. thanks for being so welcoming and encouraging. Let's keep growing the group and getting people ready for action this spring/summer!!!

  3. thanks for posting, Mike.. Scott! so that was you.. sorry i didnt get to meet you and the others above personally.. next time..

    200# 20 Back Squats.. felt good!
