Sunday, February 17, 2013

Post #20


AMRAP in 3 minutes of:
7 burpees
7 pull ups
Rest 90 seconds

Repeat for 6 rounds!


  1. This was a good wod and a nice complement to the regular class wod. I tried to hold a steady pace. My reps were 3+7, 3+5, 3+4, 3+2, 3+2, 3+5.

  2. Did this yesterday with Kurt and man I was a wreck.

    20 BS @ #215

    Mike: 3+8, 3, 2+9, 1+13, 2+7, 2+5
    Kurt: 4+1, 3+7, 3+2, 3+2, 3+3, 3

    Had a complete melt down in rd 4 for me, need to get over the hump somehow and push harder.
