Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Post #13

Guys if there is anything you want me to do better. Let me know. Email me at garret@norcalcrossfit.com. Open to suggestions.

Homework for tomorrow:

3x10 sot presses (45/35)
Work on any weakness for a minimum of 15 minutes.


  1. I did the sot presses with a 15# bar (but made it look like 45#). Once I get into the squat I have no strength to push the bar -- got some good feedback from Dana. I think I have a better sense of where my positioning is off though fixing it is a different matter.

    I worked on double unders for a good length of time. Would like to be able to consistently get sets of 50 by the open. Not there yet.

  2. Is this with the bar on the back of your shoulders and pressing up while in a squat? Sally, I admire your DU goal. You're always so self motivated - it's awesome.

  3. the presses with 35 bar were surprisingly awesome. THANK YOU MOBILITY!!
    worked on pullups for the 15 minutes
